
This library is written in JavaScript and contains everything to add a clickable overlay or any content that you want to add on top of your "interactive video".
To comunicate with the interactive video (i.e the engine), the content context uses a adways.content.HVBridge singleton named adways.hvBridgePool. This singleton represents a pool of communication bridges between the content and the interactive engine/main video. Since a content of an enrichment is generally instanciated in a iframe, there is a need for a mechanism that establish a bidirectionnal communication between the interactive engine entities and the content. Currently, the entities controlable from within the content are:
  • the main video (play, pause, seek to, playhead time, etc.)
  • the enrichments (open, close, etc.)
  • the scene
But the list is going to growth regularly.
Each of these objects has a "mirror" one inside the content that reflects its state and let you calling methods on it, in the same way as you generally call a method on an object. The mirror is reponsible of:
  • correctly transmitting the order by automatically choosing the best way yo achieve this (with the "messaging" API as an exemple).
  • bringing you its states (whether the current enrichment is opened or not, etc)

Example : How to instantiate the adways.content.HVBridge singleton and communicate with the interactive video engine

First of all, Adwayslib.js must be included

<script src="//d1xswutoby7io3.cloudfront.net/content/js/Adways-content/1.0.0/release.Adways-min.js"></script>

To start a communication between the engine (the interactive video) and the content, the bridge must be connected

 * Check if adways.hvBridge is ready. 
 * If adways.hvBridge is not ready add an adways.hv.bridge.events.READY event listener 
if (adways.hvBridge.isReady()) 
    adways.hvBridge.addEventListener(adways.hv.bridge.events.READY, hvBridgeReadyCB);

Once the bridge is ready, the connection with the enrichement can be established

/* Get enrichment state and interact with it */
var enrichment = adways.hvBridge.getCurrentEnrichment();

 * If enrichment is not connected then add an adways.hv.bridge.events.CONNECTED event listener
 * and connect it.
var enrichmentConnectedCB = function () {
    console.log("enrichment connected");

/* Get enrichment current activation state (openned or closed) */
    enrichment.getActivated().addEventListener(adways.type.evt.BOOLEAN, function(e){
        /* Here, activation state can be accessed by the disptacher of the event : */
        console.log("is activated (dispatcher method) : "+e.getDispatcher().valueOf());

        /* or, directly by the enrichment getActivated method */  
        console.log("is activated (getActivated method) : "+enrichment.getActivated().valueOf());
    /* method to close the enrichment */
else {
    enrichment.addEventListener(adways.hv.bridge.events.CONNECTED, enrichmentConnectedCB);

Connection with content can be established

/* Get content state and interact with it */
var content = adways.hvBridge.getCurrentContent();

 * If content is not connected then add an adways.hv.bridge.events.CONNECTED event listener
 * and connect it.
var contentConnectedCB = function () {
    console.log("content connected");
else {
    content.addEventListener(adways.hv.bridge.events.CONNECTED, contentConnectedCB);

Connection with P2S SceneController can be established to get video state

/* Get video state */
var p2s = adways.hvBridge.getP2S();

 * If p2s is not connected then add an adways.hv.bridge.events.CONNECTED event listener
 * and connect it.
var p2sConnectedCB = function () {
    console.log("p2s connected");

    /* get video current time */
    p2s.addEventListener(adways.resource.events.CURRENT_TIME_CHANGED,  function(e){
        /* Here, current time can be accessed by the disptacher of the event : */
        console.log("current time (dispatcher method) : "+e.getDispatcher().getCurrentTime().valueOf());
        /* or, directly by the SceneController getCurrentTime method */  
        console.log("current time (getCurrentTime method) : "+p2s.getCurrentTime().valueOf());
    /* get video current play state */
    p2s.addEventListener(adways.resource.events.PLAY_STATE_CHANGED,  function(e){
        /* Here, playstate can be accessed by the disptacher of the event : */
        console.log("play state (dispatcher method) : "+e.getDispatcher().getPlayState().valueOf());
        /* or, directly by the SceneController getPlayState method */  
        console.log("play state (getPlayState method) : "+p2s.getPlayState().valueOf());
         * Both return adways.resource.playStates.PLAYING when video is playing  
         * and adways.resource.playStates.PAUSE when video is paused
else {
    p2s.addEventListener(adways.hv.bridge.events.CONNECTED, p2sConnectedCB);

Connection with S2P SceneController can be established to interact with video

/* Interact with video */
var s2p = adways.hvBridge.getS2P();

 * If s2p is not connected then add an adways.hv.bridge.events.CONNECTED event listener
 * and connect it.
var s2pConnectedCB = function () {
    console.log("s2p connected");

    /* seek to 10 seconds */
    s2p.setCurrentTime(10, true);
    /* Play video */
    /* Pause video */
else {
    s2p.addEventListener(adways.hv.bridge.events.CONNECTED, s2pConnectedCB);

Here is the full sample demo


<script src="[PATH_TO_ADWAYSLIB.JS]"></script>

var hvBridgeReadyCB = function () {     
    /* Get enrichment state and interact with it */
    var enrichment = adways.hvBridge.getCurrentEnrichment();

     * If enrichment is not connected then add an adways.hv.bridge.events.CONNECTED event listener
     * and connect it.
    var enrichmentConnectedCB = function () {
        console.log("enrichment connected");

        /* Get enrichment current activation state (openned or closed) */
        enrichment.getActivated().addEventListener(adways.type.evt.BOOLEAN, function(e){
            /* Here, activation state can be accessed by the disptacher of the event : */
            console.log("is activated (dispatcher method) : "+e.getDispatcher().valueOf());

            /* or, directly by the enrichment getActivated method */  
            console.log("is activated (getActivated method) : "+enrichment.getActivated().valueOf());
        /* method to close the enrichment */
    else {
        enrichment.addEventListener(adways.hv.bridge.events.CONNECTED, enrichmentConnectedCB);

    /* Get content state and interact with it */
    var content = adways.hvBridge.getCurrentContent();

     * If content is not connected then add an adways.hv.bridge.events.CONNECTED event listener
     * and connect it.
    var contentConnectedCB = function () {
        console.log("content connected");
    else {
        content.addEventListener(adways.hv.bridge.events.CONNECTED, contentConnectedCB);

    /* Get video state */
    var p2s = adways.hvBridge.getP2S();

     * If p2s is not connected then add an adways.hv.bridge.events.CONNECTED event listener
     * and connect it.
    var p2sConnectedCB = function () {
        console.log("p2s connected");

        /* get video current time */
        p2s.addEventListener(adways.resource.events.CURRENT_TIME_CHANGED,  function(e){
            /* Here, current time can be accessed by the disptacher of the event : */
            console.log("current time (dispatcher) : "+e.getDispatcher().getCurrentTime().valueOf());
            /* or, directly by the SceneController getCurrentTime method */  
            console.log("current time (getCurrentTime) : "+p2s.getCurrentTime().valueOf());

        /* get video current play state */
        p2s.addEventListener(adways.resource.events.PLAY_STATE_CHANGED,  function(e){
            /* Here, playstate can be accessed by the disptacher of the event : */
            console.log("play state (dispatcher method) : "+e.getDispatcher().getPlayState().valueOf());
            /* or, directly by the SceneController getPlayState method */  
            console.log("play state (getPlayState method) : "+p2s.getPlayState().valueOf());
             * Both return adways.resource.playStates.PLAYING when video is playing  
             * and adways.resource.playStates.PAUSE when video is paused

    else {
        p2s.addEventListener(adways.hv.bridge.events.CONNECTED, p2sConnectedCB);
    /* Interact with video */
    var s2p = adways.hvBridge.getS2P();

     * If s2p is not connected then add an adways.hv.bridge.events.CONNECTED event listener
     * and connect it.
    var s2pConnectedCB = function () {
        console.log("s2p connected");

        /* seek to 10 seconds */
        s2p.setCurrentTime(10, true);

        /* Play video */

        /* Pause video */
    else {
        s2p.addEventListener(adways.hv.bridge.events.CONNECTED, s2pConnectedCB);

 * Check if adways.hvBridge is ready. 
 * If adways.hvBridge is not ready add an adways.hv.bridge.events.READY event listener 
if (adways.hvBridge.isReady()) 
    adways.hvBridge.addEventListener(adways.hv.bridge.events.READY, hvBridgeReadyCB);