Brightcove samples
Interactivity on top of Brightcove
Adways builds the interactivity on top of a Brightcove player already existing
<div style="width:712px;height:400px;"> <video id="really-cool-video" data-account="3748832271001" data-player="ea7afd72-47b5-441b-a9d7-a176ae4ed54f" data-embed="default" width="100%" height="100%" data-video-id="3749329081001" class="video-js" controls> </video> </div> <script src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var brightcovePlayer = videojs('really-cool-video'); var experience = new adways.interactive.Experience(); experience.setPublicationID("mpNHyTH"); experience.setPlayerAPI(brightcovePlayer); experience.setPlayerClass("brightcove"); experience.load(); </script>
Adways Brightcove plugin
The plugin can read the video metadatas to get an Adways publication ID
See this Adways help section: How to use Brightcove with Adways?
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> // Gathering the player instance var player = videojs("really-cool-video"); // Using the plugin var experience = player.AdwaysInteractiveBrightcovePlugin({ /* publication: string|object * compulsory. * The id of the publication to load, or the JSON publication */ "publication": "mpNHyTH", /* autoLoad: boolean * optional, default value is true. * Whether to automatically load the publication. * When set to "false", the "load" method has to be explicitly called on the returned object. * That lets the ability to set up some event listeners before starting the loading process. */ "autoLoad": true /* experienceCreatedCBs: Array<function> * optional, default value is null. * If not null, on each newly created experience, the current plugin will call all the methods found * in the experienceCreatedCBs array. Those methods' signature is : * function(experience:adways.interactive.Experience):void * * For an example, see : // */ //"experienceCreatedCBs": null }); experience.addEventListener(adways.interactive.Experience.Event.READY, function(){ console.log("READY"); }); </script>
Registering the Adways Brightcove plugin via the Brightcove studio
See this Adways help section: How to use Brightcove with Adways?
Adways Brightcove VAST Loader plugin
This plugin loads a VAST (non-linear creative) from the video metadatas or from the plugin parameter
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var player = videojs("really-cool-video-2"); var experience = player.AdwaysBrightcoveVastLoaderPlugin({ "adwaysVastURL": "" }); </script>
See this Adways help section: How to use Brightcove with Adways?