- adways.event.Event
- adways.event.EventDispatcher
- adways.hv.Content
- adways.hv.DisplayableEnrichment
- adways.hv.Enrichment
- adways.hv.Scene
- adways.iab.vast.Loader
- adways.iab.vast.LoaderEvent
- adways.interactive.ActionEvent
- adways.interactive.ActivationAction
- adways.interactive.DisplayableEnrichment
- adways.interactive.Experience
- adways.interactive.Experience.ActionEvent
- adways.interactive.Experience.ContentEvent
- adways.interactive.Experience.ContentStatEvent
- adways.interactive.Experience.EnrichmentEvent
- adways.interactive.Experience.Event
- adways.interactive.Experience.PercentConsumedEvent
- adways.interactive.PlayPauseAction
- adways.interactive.SeekToAction
- adways.interactive.URLAction
- adways.layout.Framer
Methods On Page
- Interactivity on top of Brainsonic
- Interactivity on top of Brightcove
- Create a Criteo experience
- Interactivity on top of Kaltura
- Interactivity on top of Ooyala
- Standard embed share code
- Instantiation without the createExperience factory
- Interactivity on top of HTML5 video tag
- Interactivity on top of VideoJS4
- Interactivity on top of JWPlayer6
- Interactivity on top of YouTube
- Interactivity on top of Vimeo
- Interactivity on top of Dailymotion
- Interactivity on top of YouTube Live stream
- Interactivity on top of thePlatform
thePlatform samples (MPX)
Interactivity on top of thePlatform
Adways can build the interactivity on top of thePlatform player (HTML5 and Universal player) with the Adways MPX plugin
See this Adways help section: How to use ThePlatform with Adways?